Data Dynamics Reports does not include circular gauge and meters controls. We did not add them with good reason - they tend to be misleading and and take a lot of space on the screen. Instead we provide Bullet and Sparkline graphs that can visualize data quite effectively. However, as one of our customers rightfully mentioned, the sales folks adore meters controls - speedometer, thermometer, etc. and it would be good to have these controls in the product. This article shows how to compose a thermometer chart by using wonderful built-in feature called "DataBar visualizer".
The problem
Let's imagine that we are about to build the patients temperature report that is sent to chief of a hospital department every morning. The report shows the table that consists of two columns: patient name and patient temperature that was measured at 6am. The chief demands that the temperature value is visualized by a gauge, like this one:
The thermometer has 3 ranges:
- [0;35] brushed with blue color - patient has problems or already dead.
- [35;37] brushed with green color - patient is feeling well!
- [37;43] brushed with red color - patient has fever or about to die.
The yellow marker visualizes the temperature value.
DataBar visualizer in action.
The rest of the article walks through the process of building the report. For convenience sake the walkthrough starts from the existing report layout that only includes the data are set.
- Open PatientsTemperature.xml(change .xml to .rdlx) by using either DataDynamics.Reports.Designer.exe application or Visual Studio.
- Add the table report item in the report body. Remove the 3rd column and the footer of the table. Set table's DataSetName property to "Temperature" . Set the the 1st column, details row cell value to "=[Patient]"
- Add the Rectangle Report Item in the table's 2nd column, details row cell. Set the rectangle's background color to Green and the name to "rectOuter". This rectangle will show the 2nd range of the thermometer.
- Add the nested rectangle in rectOuter. Set the rectangle's name to "rectNested", the location to (0in,0in), the size to the same value as rectOuter has. Now the magic begins.
- Set the properties of the rectNested BackgroundImage: Source:DataBase, Value:=DataBar(35,0,43,0,'Blue'), MIMEType:image/png, BackgroundRepeat:NoRepeat. What happens here? It's not allowed to set the rectangle's background image by using the data visulalizer editor, like for a textbox, but in fact the rectangle supports data visualizers! What do the DataBar arguments mean? 35 is the boundary of the 1st range, 0 is the minimum temperature value, 43 is maximum temperature value, 0 is the zero coordinate, Blue is the color for the 1st range according to the requirements. The documentation describes the arguments meaning in details. Now preview the report. Can you see how the magic works? The rectNested's background image takes the space according to DataBar Value argument. The rest of rectNested is transparent which makes rectOuter's background partially visible. Now our thermomemeter shows 2 ranges. Fantastic!
- Add the nested rectangle in rectNested. Set rectangle's name to "rectNestedNested", location to 0in,0in), size to the same value as rectOuter and rectNested have. As you might deduce rectNestedNested will show the 3rd Red range of our thermometer. Let's set it's background image accordingly:
- Source:DataBase, Value:=DataBar(43,0,43,37,"Red"), MIMEType:image/png, BackgroundRepeat:NoRepeat. In DataBar function we set the zero coordinate to 37 so that the red background starts from the 2nd range right boundary. The magic described in (5) works for the 3rd range as well.
- Now let's add the temperature value marker. It is done by using...drumroll please...rectangle that has DataBar invoke in background image expressions. Add the nested rectangle in rectNestedNested. Set the following properties for this newly added rectangle: Location.Left=0, Size.Width=the same value as the parents rectangles have. Set Location.Top and Size.Height to the appropriate values for the marker. Source:DataBase, Value:=DataBar(Fields!Temperature.Value,0,43,0,"Yellow"), MIMEType:image/png, BackgroundRepeat:NoRepeat.
- Now select rectOuter, rectNested, rectNestedNested and set their rounding radius property to some value, i.e. 0.1in. It will make our pseudo-thermometer look closer to what was shown in the picture above. PatientsTemperature_Final.xml(change .xml to .rdlx) is the sample of the final report version and here is the output sample
is this picture informative? Yep, 3 of our 5 patients have fever and it seems that we forgot to move Mr. Jonathan Murraiin to morgue..Whoops!
Other scenarios
By using the same technique you can emulate bullet chart that uses traffic lights colors as described here.
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